World COPD Day



World COPD Day is observed every year on the third Wednesday of November to raise awareness, share knowledge, and discuss ways to reduce the burden of COPD worldwide. This day is organized by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) in collaboration with health care professionals and COPD patient groups throughout the world. The theme for this year is “Your lungs for Life” which aims to highlight the importance of lifelong lung health.

What is COPD ?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease which is preventable and treatable and characterized by long term respiratory symptoms and airflow blockage. This group of lung conditions have two main forms, namely :

i)                Chronic bronchitis – It involves a long term cough with mucus.

ii)              Emphysema – It involves damage to the lung over time.


  • Shortness of breath, especially during physical activities.
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness, difficulty taking a deep breath
  • A chronic cough that may produce mucus (sputum) that may be clear, white, yellow or greenish
  • Frequent respiratory infection / frequent colds or flu
  • Lack of energy
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Swelling in ankle, feet or legs


·        Tobacco smoking

·        Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (Rare genetic disorder)

·        Secondhand smoke

·        Indoor air pollution, biomass fuel or coal

·        Occupational exposure to dusts, fumes or chemicals

·        Frequent or severe respiratory infections in childhood that prevent maximum lung growth

Treatment  :

·     Medicine - Symptoms such as coughing or wheezing can be treated with medicine

·     Quit smoking - Cigarette smoke is the leading cause of COPD, and it can make the disease worse People with COPD who stop smoking improve their breathing capacity, health, and overall quality of life.

·  Pulmonary rehabilitation – A personalized treatment that includes exercise, disease management, and counseling to improve quality of life.

· Prevention and treatment of lung infections - Certain vaccines, such as flu and pneumonia vaccines, are especially important for people with COPD. Lung infections can cause serious problems in people with COPD and should be treated with antibiotics.

·     Supplemental oxygen - If blood oxygen is low (hypoxemia), a portable oxygen tank may be needed to improve oxygen level.

·     Bronchodilators – These medicines are inhaled to relax the airways and help in breathing easier.

·        Corticosteroids – These drugs reduce airway inflammation.

·        Antibiotics – The lungs are prone to infection which leads to further damage. Antibiotics are prescribed to stop a bacterial infection.

·        Vaccines – Flu or pneumonia vaccines lower the risk for respiratory illnesses.

·        Anti - inflammatory medications – These are steroids which are used to lower inflammation in the lungs.

·        Expectorants - These products thin mucus in the airways so that it can be coughed out more easily.

·    Antihistamines - These medicines relieve stuffy heads, watery eyes, and sneezing. Antihistamines can dry the air passages, making breathing difficult, as well as causing difficulty when coughing up excess mucus.

·        Antivirals – These are used to treat or prevent illnesses caused by viruses, most frequently to treat or prevent influenza which is particularly dangerous for people with COPD.

Conclusion :

At Ruby General Hospital we have a full blown OPD, Respiratory clinic, PFT Lab including DLCO, six min walk test, FENO, CO (Carbon Monoxide) check for smokers, EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound), bronchoscopy (Flexible and Rigid) and thoracoscopy.


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