Looking For the Best Cancer Treatment Physician in Kolkata?


Our health and lifestyles are significantly impacted by our way of living and the food we eat. The top cancer specialist from the cancer surgery hospital in Kolkata has also taken into account how a healthy food and way of life might aid in the prevention of many ailments.


Over the past century, medical research has made significant advancements, leading to the development of several treatments and technologies to cure a wide range of terminal diseases. Today, however, certain illnesses, including cancer, cannot be treated when they are well advanced.


We will learn about the many cancer therapies accessible in this post, as well as get knowledge about the top oncologist in Kolkata.


Here are some of the main therapy approaches explained:



Drugs are used to destroy cancer cells during chemotherapy, a type of cancer treatment. In a matter of seconds, cancer cells rapidly develop and multiply enormously. Chemotherapy works by targeting the medications to the cancer cells, killing them. Chemotherapy typically lasts between three and six months, depending on the cancer's stage and state at the time of treatment.


Hormone treatment

Cancer that spreads via hormones is treated with hormone therapy. These therapies from cancer surgery hospital in Kolkata have the power to halt and retard the spread of cancer. The medications that are transported by the hormones during hormone treatment circulate throughout the body and stop the development of malignant cells.


Radiation treatment

High radiation doses are used during radiation treatment to either eradicate cancerous cells or reduce existing tumours. This treatment does not immediately destroy the cancer cells. In exchange, the cancer cells' DNA is harmed, and eventually they are eliminated. It takes many days to damage the cancer cells' DNA enough to cause their death. They are then taken from the body after that.


Consequently, there are several therapy options for cancer. To have the best care, you can go to the cancer surgery hospital in Kolkata.


Where to begin with?


Cancer is a delicate issue, and whether you or someone close to you is afflicted, you want to make sure that the greatest advice and care are obtained to make the process go as smoothly as possible. The first step in conquering cancer is to find the proper oncologist and of course the cancer surgery hospital in Kolkata to guide you through the whole process, from diagnosis through treatment planning. To actively participate in your trip and receive the proper care with the fewest obstacles, you must be able to trust the doctor you choose to begin it with.


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