You Might Not Know If You're Suffering from These 5 Stomach/ Gut Problems
Is it that feeling of
vomiting or puking again?
Or that you are suffering
for constipation for three days in a week and then diarrhea for the rest of
the days?
Feeling bloated too often?
Losing appetite?
Not even feeling good with
your favorite food?
Well, it means that you
might have some GI problems. Doctors commonly refer to digestive problems as GI
problems as it mainly involves the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract starting
from your food tube (esophagus) and ending in your rectum.
Gastrointestinal issues
also refer to the problems of the GI organs such as liver; the pancreas etc.
When something is wrong in
the tract or in the associated organs of the tract, you can say you are
suffering from a GI issue.
The first step to fix this problem is to go for a treatment option by identifying some common symptoms mentioned below:
- Bloating: If you are feeling bloated before or after eating, then you might need to see a doctor
- Chronic Diarrhea: Is it that you are suffering from it often? It is time you should consult a gastroenterologist.
- Pain in the Stomach or the Abdomen: When there is a sharp pain in the stomach or in the abdomen, do not take it lightly and should look for the best gastroenterology hospital in Kolkata for booking an appointment with licensed practitioners.
- Heartburn Or Acid Reflux: Are you getting that feeling again and again of food travelling back to your throat? Is it a burning sensation? Are you burping and there is an acidic effect in that? You need a doctor!
- Constipation: Just like chronic diarrhea, constipation is also a thing that indicates a GI problem. Don’t be late in visiting your doctor.
- Loss of Appetite: Not feeling hungry often and probably losing weight for that may point to an underlying GI issue. Some people don’t eat yet they gain weight. These complications may try to hint at serious problems in the GI tract.
Your gastroenterologist can help you with
Need a practitioner in
gastroenterology? Go ahead and book an appointment with one of the
professionals in this department at Ruby Hospital, Kolkata. These experienced
doctors here are always here to help you efficiently. Reach out to them and try
to solve your GI problems fast.
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