Heart Surgery Hospital: What Can A Person Do At Home After Open-Heart Surgery?
For an open-heart surgery to be performed from a reputed heart surgery hospital, the breastbone must be cut. This type of surgery is sometimes referred to as traditional heart surgery. Several new heart procedures can be done with only small cuts/incisions, without wide openings. This can lead to an inaccurate perception of what open-heart surgery entails.
Open-heart surgery includes CABG (bypass surgery), heart transplantation, and valve replacement. In addition to heart failure and congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease may be treated with open-heart surgery.
How can a person take care of themselves at home after open-heart surgery?
1. Incision care
As per the doctors at Ruby General Hospital, the best heart surgery hospital in the town, you should always take care of your incision. Keep the incision site warm and dry, and wash your hands before and after touching it. If there is no drainage and the incision is healing properly, you can shower. It is recommended to shower for less than 10 minutes with warm (not hot) water.
2. A pain management program
The treatment of pain accelerates the recovery process. A person may experience muscle pain, throat pain, pain at incision sites, or pain from chest tubes.
3. A good night's sleep
While some people have difficulty sleeping following open-heart surgery, it is essential to get as much rest as possible. Sleep can be improved in the following ways:
· Take a pain reliever 30 minutes before bedtime
· By properly arranging pillows to reduce muscle tension
· Avoiding caffeine at night
4. Rehabilitation
Most people who have had a CABG benefit from a planned, comprehensive rehabilitation program. Rehabilitation is usually done as an outpatient procedure with multiple visits per week. Treatment involves exercising, reducing risk factors, and managing stress, anxiety, and depression.
Recovery from open-heart surgery at heart surgery hospital is always slow but steady. Before one feels better, it could take up to six weeks for the procedure to take full effect. To keep one's heart-healthy, follow these tips:
· Consuming a healthy diet
· Restricting high-salt, high-fat, and high-sugar foods
· Increasing physical activity
· Quitting smoking
· Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
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