Liver Cancer Surgery In Kolkata: The Facts You Need To Know About Liver Cancer


Learning about liver cancer can help you cope with the disease if you have it or care for someone who does.

As per the cancer surgery hospital in kolkata, a cancerous condition occurs when cells in the body grow out of control. The cells that cause cancer can grow anywhere in the body, so cancer can begin in any organ or tissue. Even cancer can spread to other tissues and organs, a process known as metastasis. The liver is the site where liver cancer begins, but it can spread to other parts of the body when it metastasizes.

Cancer of the liver is often carcinoma, a type of cancer that starts in the tissues lining the liver. The bile duct, which carries the bile produced by the liver into the stomach, can also be affected by liver cancer.

There are two types of liver cancer according to the liver cancer surgery in kolkata: primary and metastatic. Primary liver cancer begins in the liver and can spread to other organs or tissues. Metastatic liver cancer occurs when tumors are from elsewhere in the body and then spread to the liver. Tumors of the liver can be malignant (cancerous) and spread to other organs and tissues or benign (noncancerous) lesions that do not spread.

Stage 1 cancer is confined to the liver, while stage 4 cancer has spread to lymph nodes and tissues far from the liver.

Factors that increase the risk of liver cancer

The risk of liver cancer can be increased by certain factors. Some of these factors are:

·    Infection with hepatitis B or C caused by exposure to a virus

·    or heavy drinking

·    Cirrhosis: scarring of the liver

·    A condition in which too much iron accumulates in the liver is hemochromatosis

Liver Cancer Symptoms and Signs

Primary liver cancer may not cause symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms of liver cancer include:

·    Unintentional weight loss

·    Loss of appetite

·    Nausea and vomiting

·    Pain in the upper abdomen

·    Abdominal swelling

·    General weakness and fatigue

·    Yellow discoloration of your skin and the whites of your eyes, known as jaundice

·    Chalky, white stools

Primary liver cancer is treated differently depending on its stage, the age of the patient, his or her overall health, and personal preferences.

Bottom Line:

Imaging tests are often used to determine how well cancer responds to treatment, and to see if it has spread despite treatment. Speak with a healthcare professional from liver cancer surgery in kolkata with experience in diagnosing and treating liver cancer for more information about liver cancer.


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