Treatment Of Liver Cancer In Ruby General Hospital


Liver cancer is a growing cause of mortality in India and around the world. The uncharacteristic increase in cell reproduction can also contribute to liver cancer, just like all forms of cancer. Tumors can be benign or malignant when too many cells are produced. So if you are facing any sort of liver related issues, head to Ruby General Hospital, the finest liver cancer surgery in kolkata.

There are three main types of liver cancer:

A number of cancers can develop in the liver, such as hepatocellular carcinoma, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, and hepatoblastoma. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most prevalent form of liver cancer caused by Hepatocytes, the liver's primary cells. Those with chronic liver problems such as cirrhosis are more likely to develop this dreaded disease.

The following are signs and symptoms of liver cancer:

As per liver cancer surgery in kolkata, it is common for small liver tumors to go undetected until they become large. This is because the rib cage covers the liver to the point that tumors in their early stages are not detected when screened. Liver cancer does not usually show any symptoms until it becomes critical. In some cases, they develop early, alerting you to the looming danger. Once any of the below-mentioned signs and symptoms appear, seek medical help immediately. The earlier you seek medical attention, the better your chances of recovering.

Liver cancer has the following causes:

This football-sized organ is responsible for filtering blood, converting nutrients into readily usable chemicals, and excreting waste from the blood. It is prone to metastasis because blood must pass through the liver. Metastasis is the process of a malignant tumor spreading from a distant site to a new one in the host body through the bloodstream. The liver is not only susceptible to secondary cancer, but it is also capable of self-infection. Primary liver cancers are rare, constituting just 2 percent of all cancers.

Primary liver cancer, or hepatocellular carcinoma in medical terms, cannot be attributed to anyone cause. These are the causes:

·    The risk of liver cancer in alcohol abusers is high.

·    Another prominent risk factor is drug abuse.

·    Hepatitis B and C are often responsible for this dreaded condition.

·    Cirrhosis, a disease characterized by degenerated cells, fibrous congealed tissue, and inflammation, could lead to cancerous tumors.

·    Fat accumulation in the liver is also a leading cause of liver cancer.

Bottom line:

For Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Ruby General Hospital, the best liver cancer surgery in kolkata provides the best treatment, including surgery, liver transplants, ablation procedures, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted drugs.



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