Best Hospital In Eastern India: Sugar Be The Sweet But Silent Killer


Sweets are among the weaknesses of Indians, and foreign visitors from all over the world indulge in the country's sweets. Indulging in sweets is a weakness of Indians, and people from all across the world flock to India for their sweet tooth. Sweets are essential to any occasion, festival, or celebration. We unknowingly expose ourselves to major risks by doing so. For our bodies to function, glucose is a major component of our fuel supply. As per the doctors from the best hospital in eastern india, carbohydrate-rich meals are sufficient to provide an individual with the glucose he or she needs throughout the day. As a result of its importance, our body also has mechanisms to produce enough glucose to compensate for no external source of fuel.

How can sugar be harmful to our health?

Its components seem to contribute differently to our body, which is apparent in its contribution. Glucose and fructose make up each molecule of sugar. Energy comes from glucose and fructose comes from the liver. The glucose can be converted into fat or glucose can be converted into fat. The liver accumulates fat most frequently when it gets glucose and fructose, i.e. sugar. Doctors from the reliable hospital in eastern india say that increased consumption can lead to serious liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. It's similar to the way alcohol damages the liver by causing fat deposition.

Our consumption of sugar isn't the only thing causing harm, however. Other items that we consume also cause harm. Sugar and water are the only ingredients in aerated drinks (soft drinks). Juices that we consider healthy are mostly fructose-based. Often, they have added sugar, which makes them worse. Since the pulp containing the fibers gets discarded in juice, all you drink is fructose, it is always advised to eat whole fruits rather than juice. According to the specialists from the best hospital in eastern india, although juices are a better choice than soft drinks, they should only be consumed in small quantities.


Despite the fact that sugar is not healthy, the human body can sustain small amounts. In excess sugar, we can develop liver and cardiac diseases, diabetes, and hypertension. It is always stressed by the reliable hospital in eastern india how important it is to control your sugar levels, especially as you age.




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