Best Critical Care Hospital: Fire and Burn Safety for Older Adults


Burns, one of the most often reported injuries; require the utmost care because, apart from extreme pain, discomfort, and related problems, it can cause considerable skin loss, permanent scarring, or infection. It is vital to seek the best critical care hospital if the injury/extent of skin scorched beyond what can be treated at home. The possibilities of healing are dependent on the level and cause of the burn.

Critical care hospital kolkata: Common causes for burn

Burning is frequently caused by the following causes as referred by the critical care hospital kolkata:

·   Hot boiling fluids burning

·   Too much exposure to the sun

·   Chemicals and electric burns

·   Burns of fire including match burns, lights, and candles

All burning requires urgent treatment of first aid, but partial and full-sized burning require medical attention immediately which you can only avail of from the best critical care hospital in Kolkata. The distinction between partial and full-density burns can be difficult to detect because when it comes to early therapy the size of the burn is more essential.

Fire And Burn Safety For Older Adults

More life-threatening fire or burn injuries occur to older people than any other age group. The bad news is, everyone is going to become elderly unavoidably. Except for death and taxes, nothing is guaranteed. The good news is that progress in healthcare, economic prosperity, and prevention of injuries all contribute to an extended life. More than double the risk of older individuals dying from fire is that of those under the age of 65 as per the information by the best critical care hospital. Elderly people may be physically and psychically affected, making it difficult to respond swiftly in situations.

Bottom line:

In case things go beyond the primary treatment you should not wait for an additional second and rush them to the nearest critical care hospital kolkata. At Ruby General Hospital the team includes consultants, pain doctors, senior and junior doctors, and highly efficient, competent, and well-trained nurses and paramedics personnel. The newest medical technologies and the world-class infrastructure made this department one of its excellence centers.


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